Territori Jujol
Territori Jujol is a communication and signage initiative to mark the most outstanding works of architect Josep Maria Jujol in the region of Tarragona. The limited resources with which the works were made, coupled with the subsequent lack of preservation, make Jujol's legacy fragile and at risk of disappearance. The initiative’s ambition is to promote the valuable cultural heritage, help reactivate the area and encourage the study of his works.
The interventions of Jujol in the region are extensive, surprising and, above all, diverse. All are closely connected with the territory, so it is essential to study them as a whole. Understanding one of the works usually leads to a better comprehension of another one. Consequently, in the applied signage, each sign has its own identity and together they form a diverse whole.
A bold graphic identity has been developed based on an old sketch of Jujol. The suggestive figure creates a strikingly visual sign that draws attention, while conveying the intrinsic qualities of Jujol’s work.
Territori Jujol
Province of Tarragona
Signage, brand identity and communication strategy
Camp de Tarragona, Spain
2018 - 2019
Roger Miralles
Miscellaneous Studio
Mosaics Martí
Competition, first prize
Territori Jujol
Province of Tarragona
Signage, brand identity and communication strategy
Camp de Tarragona, Spain
2018 - 2019
Roger Miralles
Miscellaneous Studio
Mosaics Martí
Competition, first prize
Jujol’s heritage as a genuine backbone of the territory.
A deep research into Jujol’s oeuvre was undertaken to develop this project. Most of his works in the region still demand deep studies and careful restorations. There is still a lot to discover. The core element of this project is an illustrative example of the current situation of neglect. The ‘duck’s’ original figure has been carefully recovered after decades of misrepresentation and turned into the iconic and recognizable symbol for Territori Jujol.
A sign adapted to the characteristics of each work and each context.
The signage strategy consists of fragmenting the ‘duck’ into 16 tiles, one per work, coupling each fragment with an informative tile and a reused tile. Each sign is different, some more striking and others more modest. By combining the three tiles, the sign can react to the specific conditions of each work, pavement and context.
“We are all Jujol”
The signage design was completely intertwined with the creation of a brand identity and a communication strategy for Territori Jujol. The initiative is an inclusive and participatory platform, where people’s collaboration is essential. "We are all Jujol" implies that we are all responsible for his heritage and that studying him is open to everyone.
The communication strategy establishes intense and active connection methods to multiply the interaction between the works, the people and the territory. The realised website is a virtual space open to everyone. It will continuously increase its content through collaborative work between multiple agents in the region. Parallel activities will be developed in the near future to expand the Jujolovers community. For example, workshops for children at local schools, international architecture workshops, photography contests…
Participate in Territori Jujol and follow the initiative on #territorijujol.